DSM Lions Public School

School Outfit


  1. Grey half pants and trousers for boys, Skirt or tunics for girls.
  2. White full and half sleeve shirt for boys / blouse for girls.
  3. Navy blue blazer with school pocket rest for boys and girls.
  4. Navy blue sweater for boys and girls.
  5. School neck tie for boys and girls.
  6. School grey socks for boys and girls.
  7. Black shoes with laces for boys, Black berlties for girls.
  8. School badge/monogram..

Saturday Dress

  1. House T-Shirt for boys and girls.
  2. White half pant for boys, Skirt tunics for girls.
  3. White Socks.
  4. White Gym, Shoes plain..

Essential Articles and Quantity Required

Following articles will be supplied by the School and will not be accepted if brought from Home.

  1. House colored sports shirts for students Nursery to X.
  2. School neck tie
  3. School crest for blazer
  4. School cloth monograms for shirts
  5. School belt
  6. Track suit for students of classes IV to V.